The Polish Zeolite Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Zeolitowe) is an association of specialists and researchers involved in research, technical application and industrial operation as well as dissemination of knowledge about zeolites. The main objective of the Association is to develop scientific and technical research, popularize the results of this research as well as to foster production, exploitation, and application of zeolitic materials.

Board of the Polish Zeolite Association

President prof. dr hab. Maciej Trejda
Vice-Presidentdr hab. Agnieszka Held, prof. UAM
Treasurerdr hab. Dorota Majda

Address for correspondence

Polish Zeolite Association
Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS
Niezapominajek 8
30-239 Kraków
email: ptz (at)
fiscal number (NIP): 677-21-44-512

Bank Account

16 1600 1462 1813 7835 0000 0001
IBAN: PL16 1600 1462 1813 7835 0000 0001