
I. Name, location, operation area, and legal status

1. The Polish Zeolite Association hereinafter referred to as the Association is an association of specialists and researchers involved in research, technical application and industrial operation as well as dissemination of knowledge about zeolites.

2. The Association operates within the area of the Polish Republic.

3. The headquarters of the Association are in Cracow.

4. The Association collaborates with the Federation of European Zeolite Association (FEZA) and International Zeolite Association (IZA).

5. The Association is a non-profit organization and its members do not obtain any profits

II. Objectives and means

1. The main objective of the Association is to develop scientific and technical research, popularize the results of this research as well as to foster production, exploitation, and application of zeolite materials.

2. The objectives of the Association are pursued by

2.1. Disseminating knowledge and improving scientific and technical qualifications in the field of zeolites among the Association members;
2.2 Informing the society and popularizing achievements about zeolites;
2.3. Suggesting standardized Polish vocabulary concerning zeolites;
2.4. Organizing and participating in Polish and international conferences about zeolites;
2.5. Organizing and coordinating communication with the Federation of European Zeolite Associations and the International Zeolite Association.

III. Association members

1. The Association members are divided into the following ranks:

1.1. Ordinary members
1.2. Honorary members
1.2. Supporting members
2. Ordinary members

To become an ordinary members, a person has to be involved in or be interested in the research, application or manufacture of zeolite materials; one has to file an application form and be approved of by the Association Board.
2.1. Ordinary members are entitled to
2.1.1. Elect and be elected to the executive board,
2.1.2. Participate in conferences and other events organized by the Association;
2.1.3. Obtain information and materials published and distributed by the Association.
2.2. Ordinary members are obliged to
2.2.1. Abide by the regulations of the Statute of the Association and by the decisions made by its authorities;
2.2.2. Be involved in the realization of objectives of the Association and take part in its proceedings;
2.2.3. Pay membership fee.

3. Honorary members
Honorary membership is credited to outstanding specialists in the field of zeolites, especially to a person who contributed significantly to the Polish zeolite community. This title is granted by the General Meeting of the Association at the suggestion of the Board. The Honorary Member enjoys all the rights of the Ordinary member except the electoral rights. The person is involved in the Association through its representative.

4. Supporting Members
Any legal person (organization, firm, foundation) which supports the Association either financially or organizationally may become a Supporting Member. The Supporting Member enjoys all the rights of the Ordinary member except the electoral rights. The person is involved in the Association through its representative.

5. Termination of membership in the Association
Any person may cease membership any time at his own will. The membership may also be terminated because of the following:

5.1. Elimination from the list of members by the resolution of the Association Board if a member has not been paying fees for three consecutive years;
5.2. Exclusion by virtue of the resolution of the Association Board if a person has been acting to the detriment of the Association. The Resolution of the Association Board can be appealed to the General Meeting of the Association;
5.3. Deprivation of public rights;
5.4 Deprivation of the legal status of the Supporting Member;
5.5. Death of the Supporting Member

IV. Authorities of the Association

1. Authorities of the Association shall comprise:

1.1. The General Meeting of the Association
1.2. The Association Board
1.3. The Committee of Auditors
2. The ultimate power is vested with the General Meeting of the Association convened once a year or if necessity arises.

2.1. The General Meeting of the Association shall have the following powers:
2.1.1. To set the directions for the Association;
2.1.2. To elect by ballot the Board of the Association (the President, the Vice-President and the Treasurer) and the Committee of Auditors;
2.1.3. To give a vote of acceptance of accounts to the outgoing authorities of the Association;
2.1.4. To decide about granting the honorary membership;
2.1.5. To vote on the changes in the Statute of the Association (see point VI.1.);
2.1.6. To pass a law about the dissolution of the Association and allocation of its assets (see point VI.2.).
Legible to take part in the General Meeting of the Association are all its members, who hold a decisive voice, and the invited guests with a consultative voice.
The laws of the General Meeting are passed by a simple majority: in the first vote - when at least half of the members of Association are present, while at the second vote irrespective of the number of members present.
The Association Board informs the members about the data and agenda of the proceedings at least two weeks before the set date of the General Meeting of the Association.

2.2. The Special Meeting of the Association may be convened at the initiative of the Committee of Auditors or at the initiative of at least 1/3 of the members of the Association.
The Special Meeting of the Association shall be convened by the Association Board within a month from the date of petitioning for the meeting, and it sits on the questions it was convened for.

3. The Association Board
The executive power of the Association shall be held by the Board elected for a three year term. The Board consists of three persons: The President, the Vice-President and the Treasurer.
The Board of the Association shall have the following powers:
3.1. To manage the proceedings of the Association in accordance with the Statute and decisions made by the General Meeting, as well as to represent the Association outside;
3.2. To establish a program of work of the Association and the budget;
3.3. To accept new ordinary and supporting members, as well as apply for the honorary membership;
3.4. To establish the membership fee;
3.5. To take names off from the membership list of the Association;
3.6. To convene the General Meeting of the Association;
3.7. To produce an annual report on the proceedings of the Association;
3.8. To manage the assets of the Association and grant authorization to contract obligations on behalf of the Association.
The decision made by the Board is valid if at least two members voted for it. The Association Board meets at least once a year. The President or any person authorized by the Board shall represent the Association outside. In case vacancy occurs in the Board, the responsibility to fill it rests with the General Meeting of the Association.

4. Committee of Auditors

The Committee of Auditors, consisting of two persons, shall elected by ballot by the General Meeting of the Association for a three year term.
The Auditing Committee has the following powers:

4.1. To control the proceedings of the Association, especially its finances;
4.2. To notify the Association Board about the results of the control and demand explanations;
4.3. To pass an opinion on the reports of the Association Board and file the General Meeting with an application to receive the vote of acceptance of accounts.
In case vacancy occurs in the Committee, the responsibility to fill it rests with the General Meeting of the Association.

V. Assets

The assets of the Association consist of properties and funds.

1. Funds of the Association are obtained from the following sources:
1.1. Membership fees;
1.2. Fees from events organized by the Association;
1.3. Subsidies, bequests, and donations from private persons, organizations and companies, including financial aid from the government and international zeolite organizations;
1.4. property receipts.
2. Management of Association Assets

The Board shall manage the Association assets. The responsibility to contract obligations concerning the Association assets rests with the President, or a person authorized by the President, as well as with the Treasurer who works together with the President.

VI. Change of the Statute and dissolution of the Association

1. The law on the change of the Statute of the Association is passed by the general Meeting by a majority of 2/3 votes.

2. The Association shall be dissolved if a petition is approved by a majority of 2/3 votes during a General Meeting of the Association. The dissolution law of the Association also defines the way of dissolution and distribution of the assets of the Association. The liquidation costs of the Association will be covered by the Association assets.

In cases not regulated by the Statute of the Association, rules and regulations of associations shall apply.

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